Why you always be distracted? Here is why
We are living in a world with tons of distraction tools around us and everywhere. Have you ever wondered why you are always be distracted? And how you combat those major points that cause the distraction. Here is some point that keeps you distracted every single day.
It is just too boring
Normally when completing a difficult task or working on a project you always turn to distraction because the tasks at hand might be too hard or too boring for you. Therefore, you would turn to something easier and more fun.
It is just too hard
Not so much different from the first point, when things get too boring or too hard, you always want to turn to something that gives you so much fun. because doing something fun will never drain your power.
The distraction itself is too prominent
The distraction is everywhere as mentioned. For example, while working you put your phone on the table and every time the notification just keeping your phone vibrated and drag your attention on each alert of the phone.
So, how do you combat these things?
To combat these, I would recommend few points where you can use to eliminate them.
optimize for enjoyment
Trying to make something that you are doing a lot more fun. You’d never be tired of doing something that entertains or provoke fun in you.
Stay away from your phone
As you know your phone is the major distraction tool that distracts you the most. Some smartphones might tell you how many times you spend on your phone on the digital well-being section. There you’d see that it does take your time the most.
Control your environment
Your environment is also very important to you. This simply means that you need a clear space to work. So simple principle is to keep your desk clean. This is the very first thing you could do. As if there are so many things on the desk, you feel distracted because of those things.
Source: youtube.