How to form a new a habit?
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Jim Ronh
As mentioned in most of the articles I published, a habit has highly impact on our lives. Once said: habit determines our lives. Well, that’s true, but before dive into building a new habit we need to understand what is a habit? Why it is so important that each one of us need to study about it.
Well, a habit is simply an action that you do it repeatedly and automatically. When I say repeatedly and automatically, I actually mean that when you do something repeatedly and then it becomes a habit. you then when facing a specific situation and you will respond to it automatically to what you experienced doing. For example, at 3 pm every day, you normally have a snack even if you are not hungry. Later on, at 3 pm you will find something to eat automatically in respond to what you do every day.
And sure a habit is very important for us. Let’s say we have a habit of spending more than our income, well this habit will get you into trouble of financial in the future. And if we have a habit of learning new thing every day, well we are sure that in the future we will be a library of knowledge(supposed).
Okay, now we understand what it is and how important they are. Right now, we’ll go through the process of building a new habit. According to James Clear, there are four stage of forming a new habit.
Start small
Make it easy you can’ say no — Leo Babauta
Solve this problem by picking a new habit that is easy enough that you don’t need motivation to do it. Rather than starting with 50 pushups per day, start with 5 pushups per day. Rather than trying to meditate for 10 minutes per day, start by meditating for one minute per day. Make it easy enough that you can get it done without motivation.
Increase your habits in a very small way
Rather than trying to do something amazing from the beginning, start small and gradually improve. Along the way, your willpower and motivation will increase, which will make it easier to stick to your habit for good. You can also read the 1% win every day here:
Keep track of your habits
Get a calendar with you track them properly. Otherwise, you would feel lose or skip the action. It’s not the motivation that keeps you going, it’s the progress that keep you going. And it gives you sense of reward.
Reward yourself
Some days we are just too tired to do it, I’m sure. I went through this and experience failure many times. Try to make the activities fun and reward yourself after completing each task. And be patient !! Success does not come over night.